It’s really not that hard to understand what is going on here.

1. Supply and Demand.......the demand is greater than the supply. Colorado cannot provide every hunter in the other 49 states a opportunity to harvest an elk or deer just because they want to.

2. Money........the state cannot afford to stop selling tags or vastly reduce the number of tags sold to non res hunters because it needs their money to fatten the Parks side of CPWD. Therefore while they know some guys will stop putting in for tags they will be able to make up the difference from those that don’t wince at an extra $100 to apply.

3. Residents hasty responses.....we’ll isnt that a natural reaction? If you live somewhere so that you can enjoy the resources that location offers your not likely to be real excited to see hoardes of non residents showing up once a year where you intend to hunt, or have been hunting and have it ruin your hunting or make it much more difficult due to excess pressure.

That’s it in a nutshell. Too damn many people and not enough public land in the country plain and simple!