Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by rickt300

If you don't like the job CP&W is doing, or you don't like the product they're selling, do what millions of people in similar situations do every day---don't buy it.

If enough people feel the same way and don't buy the product, CP&W will lose revenue and be forced to lower their prices and/or offer up a better product.

Only problem is that they won't lower prices or improve the product. They will raise prices and fees and hunting will become a rich man's sport/hobby and it will be one step closer to ending as we know it. Once it stops providing revenue to pay for something the libs want it will be done. CO has already went over the edge in politics since this past election and the last thing they'll worry about is if hunters and sportsmen are getting a fair shake. Thank goodness I'm getting to the age where it soon won't matter to me because I won't be able to do it anymore. I don't have children so I don't have to worry what happens after me.

An armed member in a country is a citizen, an unarmed member is a subject.