You're only an hour away from Bozeman. Next time you're down there, look up the fellas at RER bows. They build a static tipped Arroyo recurve that shoots fantastic. Here's mine when I first got it...(a while ago when I was shooting split finger)
[Linked Image]

If you are set on a longbow, I can't recommend a finer bow than Allen Boice's Liberty Contender SE (get the yew cores). By far, the easiest and most comfortable shooting longbow I've ever shot.

If ya haven't shot in a while and you really want to get your form down, start with 30-35lbs and master technique. Then you can bump up the poundage. I'd also recommend getting a copy of Rick Welch's "Accuracy Factory" DVD and/or the "Masters of the Barebow" series (They all have great info, but Rick's style is more like mine and I have used it to win some local 3D shoots). If you can swing it, any instruction by top shooters is worth the time and money.

Glad you're coming back to the stick-n-string, it's a LOT of FUN!!!