When I started bow hunting in the 1950's it was pretty much long bows, I can remember when the first recurve showed up at our club. I shot a long bow into the mid 1960's and then went to a Bear recurve. The recurve was lighter and more compact, I did a lot of still hunting so it was easier to sneak through the woods with the recurve. My dad stayed with the long bow for a long time, well after I left home and moved out of state. I'm getting back into bow hunting, I want to shoot some called coyotes with a bow. I have a compound now for coyotes but a recurve for bow fishing. The recurve is more accurate than the longbow in my opinion but for hunting I think it is more a personal choice. As a kid I put a lot of rabbits on the table with a long bow and blunts.

After the first shot the rest are just noise.

Make mine a Minaska

Heaven has walls and rules, H-ll has open borders