Originally Posted by JGray
I know we live fairly close and I have a lot of experience getting these bows set up and shooting. If you want to meet up, I'd be more than happy to get you started out on the right foot (or maybe left foot in your case grin).

That's an offer I'd jump all over, even if it was just for a day when you first get your arrows! There's tons of help out there for the asking and I've found trad shooters to be the friendliest folks out there when it comes to sharing secrets and knowledge.

Another good bit of advice is shoot one arrow only, go get it and shoot it again. Your body will have time to recover from the previous shot (especially if you're starting heavy) and you'll improve faster by concentrating on each arrow fired without having that "Darn, well... I'll make up that shot with this next one" mentality. Your arrows will last a LOT longer too since they won't get slammed by any other arrows.

Nice Offer JG and Good Shooting MM!!!
