Originally Posted by MontanaMarine
Well I've pretty much come to the thinking that if I continue down this path, the smart way to go would be a custom made bow, with considerations given to my geometry. I did visit Toelke's website. Nice looking bows for sure, and no doubt they perform well.

That does leave the decision to how much am I willing to spend.

First thing though, I need to see what kind of resolution I can get from 3Rivers or Bear.

You should call Dan, maybe even see if you can take a ride out to see him. I have heard he will give you some great pointers which never hurts! His bows are magic, I have shoot a lot of bows and I can tell you his are second to none. Even if you don't buy from him, at least you will have a Benchmark to compare to.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.