My 10th grade daughter wanted to be a doc, i steered her toward PA, without excluding doc.
Pa's make real good money without as much schooling, or liability.
One thing that convinced her.
I had a routine blood pressure type appt, the PA was an attractive 24 or 25 year old woman.
J went back, and we chatted with her.
She loved her job, did most of what a Doc did, made a real nice income, and was making money while the potential docs were still
bleeding money, they didn't have.

This is what I have learned about the differences.
Of course, this applies to Pa, your state rules may vary.
Nurse Practitioner can hang a shingle and act autonomously, with the implied $rewards and liability liabilities.
A P/A operates under the supervision of a Doc, who is somewhat liable for the PA's actions.
That does not preclude a PA from working solo in a facility.

Last edited by Dillonbuck; 06/08/19.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!