Originally Posted by Quick_Karl
I do not know of any other State in the Country that would actually tell a person to move to a neighbor State and let them help you (Doctors actually say this because they know you hit a brick wall here) - and in fact, the neighbor States WILL help you if you can get there! Or, actually advise you obliquely, to LIE about your residence and financial status so that some Corporation will help - but you do NOT want to get caught defrauding any system of charity in Texas because you will wind up in Huntsville, and I do not LIKE the people there - aside from the fact that it is wrong to do.

If you do not like my opinion, sorry. If my opinion changes some minds - fantastic!

Cain to God: Am I my brother's keeper?
God to Cain: You're God damned right you are, and if you don't do it, LIBERALS will use it to beat you.

No disrespect to God, just making a point.

Stop hating me and just stop reading my posts. Probably best if you just put me on ignore to maintain healthy blood pressure? You are not going to change my opinions and you are not going to shut me up.

And I really am trying to be polite - sincerely. Unless maybe next time a user asks for my thoughts, I check with you first and say what you want me to say? That isn't going to happen...

Fight me with ideas, not hate.

Here's a crazy notion that obviously bypassed your head for sixty-one-fugking-years...

Affluent area? Good schools. Good medical care.

Schit hole? Bad schools. Bad medical care.

You're welcome,
'Flave the Magnificent

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house