UPMC had 32employees who earned at least $1 million,
10 that earned $2 million,
Jeffrey Romoff, the CEO earned $6.5 million.

But I helped.
I had a CT scan at the ER.
The $175 copay was expected, that's fine.
I still don't understand why I got the $1200 bill for the scan.

UPMC hospital,
UPMC doctor,
UPMC testing,
UPMC insurance.

If the insurance pays, they just move money.
If they can make Karl pay,
they make $1200.

It feels good knowing this factory worker helps a millionaire pay his bills.
One who has done nothing for me.
This isn't class envy.
The doc who helped me is much better played than I.
And he deserves his money, I owe him.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!