Originally Posted by Valsdad
Yep, the $3B is the reason we all pay so much for insurance. Hopefully, one is "invested" in something their medical cost monies are being invested in so they can get some benefit out of their spending later in life.


I don't think so, I believe that much more of the cost is due to treating people that don't have the means to pay which is spread out to all insurance holders (those that do pay) and the cost of liability insurance and legal representation. I don't understand why people think that businesses should not make a profit. That $3B sounds like a lot of money but what % is it of the amount that UHC spends on buildings, maintenance, medical equipment, employees, medical supplies, etc?

Some money could be saved by cutting down on admin costs - far too many administrators making inflated salaries.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.