Big stick
Go see a shrink...
He might help ya come to terms with your guilt of driving your son to commit suicide.
Probably with one of your fugged up looking rifles also.

Ain't seen a ring on that daughter of yours finger either.
Is that a bastard grandchild or your kid?
She getting welfare assistance too I bet down in the city....
Awful strong resemblance between you and that kid and her.
Unerringly so....
Seems if the kid was a bastard child from outside of the gene pool.
The kid would not resemble you and her so strikingly.

All the splendid pixels of your daughter always look like she has a pissed off knowing look on her face.
Almost like a payback need to remind dad of his fugged up ways type of look.....
Without a word by her even being said...
Knowing how you caused her brother to commit suicide
Knowing how you caused her mother to leave
Knowing how you convinced her to have your baby as a legacy to her dead brother.
Is the babies name some twisted version of your dead sons name also....
Are these all the reasons she still hangs around daddy after your boy killed himself and your wife/her mom left you.
You have done a number on her also big time....

You are one sick fugging little female dog.
And all the material things and your projections of it on here trying to impress others in your way of thinking .

Is the "joke"..........

" laughing"
"Drooling dumb phuqk"

Ect ect ect
Probably 30k worth of post of the same 4 or 5 reworded or rephrased stupid comebacks

Only reason you ain't banned is you generate hit revenue.....

Shoulda never fugged with me on the AR thread dipschitt...

Please come up with some original comebacks
Your same old same old material is lame and boring......

Have a nice day "Big Stick".....

Last edited by renegade50; 07/07/19. Reason: Had to take a few things out trying to be nice....