I'm on the east coast, but a quick Google search shows a flight with 4 stops, and 12 hr 49 min. I can get to Craig Alaska for $762.00 I'm guessing $100 tops I could rent a car and drive to Larry's house (assuming a Google search would provide an address and a little investigating on his posting on here would help me pattern his work schedule)
Kick the living [bleep] out of him (or get the [bleep] kicked out of myself) fly back home and go back to living my life.

Even with meals and a couple in flight drinks (more than a couple if I'm nursing an ass whooping) I'm still all in for under a grand. Worst case scenario I get something to eat at Zat's pizza, some Band-Aids and Neosporin at white tail pharmacy and a couple drinks at the Craig Inn, see some spectacular landscape, get away from work a few days, and settle [bleep] once and for all.

Cheaper than a rebarrel from Shaen, (who by the way does excellent work if anybody interested).