Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Originally Posted by jackmountain
I'm on the east coast, but a quick Google search shows a flight with 4 stops, and 12 hr 49 min. I can get to Craig Alaska for $762.00 I'm guessing $100 tops I could rent a car and drive to Larry's house (assuming a Google search would provide an address and a little investigating on his posting on here would help me pattern his work schedule)
Kick the living [bleep] out of him (or get the [bleep] kicked out of myself) fly back home and go back to living my life.

Even with meals and a couple in flight drinks (more than a couple if I'm nursing an ass whooping) I'm still all in for under a grand. Worst case scenario I get something to eat at Zat's pizza, some Band-Aids and Neosporin at white tail pharmacy and a couple drinks at the Craig Inn, see some spectacular landscape, get away from work a few days, and settle [bleep] once and for all.

Cheaper than a rebarrel from Shaen, (who by the way does excellent work if anybody interested).

LMAO! Ain't nobody flying anywhere, hell That irfubar lives practically down the street from me and won't even talk face to face like a man! Keyboard commando's. Let the water roll off your back, these clowns talk a good game nothing more.

You actually think I would drive three+ hours each way to tell you that you are a hypocrite? really? this is the modern age I can do it in real time right here on the internet... don't even have to mail you a hate letter...... god you are dense and slow.... unless you meant you want to meet up and fist fight? hmmm kinda proves my contention...

Blah,blah, blah ...I'm a pussy, blah, blah, blah