Oh my...a FULL Whining Kchunt Meltdown! Congratulations?!?

You Snowflake Drama Queen's are certainly a "rugged" lot. LAUGHING!

Fhuqking temp is 'pert near to 50,Pea Soup remains and the rain ain't helping atmospherics too much.

[Linked Image]

Hasty MPAJ trio at zero range(250yds). Can't hold a 3-9x MQ reticle,nearly as hard as I can a 6 MQ,but it still do nice thangs.

[Linked Image]

PRIME candidate for some fore end pressure and the RTV Silicone Cure,would undoubtedly settle things even more...though move POI upwards and I'm outta erector to chase same. So I'll flog it as is and make due.

Keep them Whining Kchunts and Quivering Lips affixed to the couch,as you "lucky" kchunts "live" vicariously!

Bless your hearts for Crying.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."