Originally Posted by Big Stick

No need to apologize for your STUPIDITY. Hint. Congratulations?!?

As per your version of "knowledge","experience" and "results",be sure to stipulate the 243Win rifle and 243Win Factory Fodder,that will do "just as well" as the 264 Kreedmire version of same. For MAXIMUM "effect",dangle a picture of those imaginary Wares and wax eloquent upon their particulars,you Clueless Drooling DUMB Fhuqk. Hint.

You do suck a mean ass though. Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart for trying.

Gals who "know" as "much" as,are ALWAYS best served by asking questions,rather than giving "answers".



Little Dick,
I've called you out. Said I would drive to meet you anywhere and give you a chance to run your mouth face to face. No reply, and you certianly arn't man enough to do it, but yet you keep talking. Take a step back and look at yourself. Realize what you are. Nothing but a coward. Keep talking, its all you have.