Originally Posted by Big Stick

A GOOD day for you,is one in which you don't schit your pants. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I get it,that you are a Retarded DUMB Fhuqk and a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit...as you keep "forgetting" about your "heralded" Imaginary Pretend Ignore,but you think triangle is an ice cream flavor too. Hint.

Rest ASSURED,the last thing I'd wanna do,is steal ANY of the "thunder" of your Imagination or Pretend,if only because it's all you've "got". I'm happy to be whatever you need most,to help salve your realities. Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart for crying.



Rick bin,
I think its time you step in and do something about this behavior. Why would somone want to advertise on this forum with this kind of crap continually happening?