The boomers had it better than any. prosperity wherever someone was willing to work. Land could be bought for a reasonable price that reflected the living one could make off it. The debt to income ratio was the best it had ever been, before or since. I don't fault them for being lucky in their opportunities. I do object when they Call Gen Xers (and yes millennials) lazy though. Yes I know millennials are wrought with problems because they can be triggered an snowflakes and all that stuff, most of them. But that aside lets look at the facts. Just look at now, most families need a double income to survive, Half of what both those people make goes towards putting a roof over their heads and even more to put food on the table. want a new vehicle (which I've never owned) plan on spending 30-50% of what your house cost (or more). all of these facts can be easily proved and are nothing new. Boomers didn't cause it, they just reaped it. Yes for a lot of them they didn't mean to F over the next generations. but they were prosperous, and wanted a good life. so they buy land to retire on and have that rustic rural atmosphere they grew up with, thus subdividing homes and ranches (because hey that pays more than grass and crops) driving up land prices to 3-10x the cost of what the land could earn. all the while telling the future generations that they are lazy and don;t know what hard work is. I've done some research and historically the amount of disposable income vs cost of living was vastly greater than it is now, one only needed ambition to make a great living. Such is no longer the case, and hasn't been for a while. it is what it is. This is just a small slice of the greater whole. if I'm wrong, prove me wrong, but I doubt you can.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.