also FYI, in my state the average home costs about $194k. 30% of that is 58k. Now in the town I live closest to, the average income is quite a bit less than the national or even the state average. The average cost of a new vehicle in 2019 across the board is $53,534 according to one site. Now in 1970 the average cost of a new vehicle was $3542. So it does vary depending on region, so lets look at it as a percentage. the average INDIVIDUAL income in 1970 was $9,870 in 2019 the average HOUSEHOLD income is $63,179 (individual average is around 48k/year). compare that to the cost of vehicle above in relation to their respective years. That's what we're talking about. I'll give you the next 6 days to work through this, I'm headed Coues deer hunting in AZ, later dudes!

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.