Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards

It's just as easy if you want to live the way a lot of Boomers and their parents did. If you were born about mid-way through the Baby Boom, you came of age around 1975. You wanted a three bedroom, two bath house in the suburbs on a half-acre lot. If you got out of college and got married and went to work in a good job, you might have that and have it paid for by 1995 or so. You wanted maybe a truck for yourself and a car for your wife. The truck in say, 1985 was a standard cab that maybe had four wheel drive if you needed it. The car was an actual car, not an SUV that cost more than your truck. But if it was an SUV it was just a Bronco or Blazer, again with two doors. These vehicles and this house didn't cost what subsequent generations' expectations are now in the same things. They want a five bedroom, four bath house on a minimum of five acres, outside the city making commuting more difficult and expensive. The replacement wants for vehicles are a new truck for $50,000 (vs. about $15000 for what I described) and a new SUV for a minimum of the same vs. a $10,000 Impala. Hell you could get a brand new Impala for $16000 back about 2010 unless I'm mistaken. Nobody wanted one though. I'm not getting on the younger generation for wanting these things. Why not? But it's the Boomer's fault that they don't just get them handed to them? Give me a break.


Swing and a miss

I'm not arguing one way or another. America is still the best country on earth. If you have the heart and work ethic and backbone you can rise from the lowest tier of society to the highest. Opportunity is there. No doubt about it.

But the decent paying jobs at the mill/factory/mine/etc that was there in your home town in decades past is largely gone. The effort it used to take to reach upper middle class is now required to meet middle to lower middle class.

There is a reason the commies message resonates with kids, and it's not just because they are _____ pick your insulting label. Yeah a bunch of them are lazy worthless fugks, but who raised them? hmmm?????? And they ain't all lazy fugks. some just want to be able to work a 9-5 and have a modest little home and a wife than can stay home and watch the kiddos. That ain't an easy thing to do anymore, to put it mildly.
I don't really know what is funny about my post(s) or what is a swing and a miss. The stuff I detailed is factual, look it up. As to the expectations part, I'm sure they vary person to person. If you saw any of my other posts, you can see I'm not running any generation down, in the least. Expectations change...the economy changes hourly. Very few people alive today, if anybody, can remember when the economy wasn't hinged to the stock markets.

A lot of people are running teachers down. Their main union is widely hated, with reason and the education system overall in the US sure seems set up to run globalist propaganda and turn out slaves for the ultra-rich. Within that system are some very good folks just trying to make a living and teach the three R's NOT propagandize or indoctrinate their students. The teacher's have done nothing that firemen, cops, etc. haven't done as to pensions and benefits. Their pensions are not exorbitant, at least around here. Lots of guys want to just deep six the pensions. They may indeed not be sustainable. The boomers didn't do that and neither did the teachers themselves. They haven't just been promised that, it's contracted. How can anybody expect teachers to pay their debts when the debts they are owed aren't paid? These pensions represent debts.

Anyway, there it is, believe it or not.