Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by Colorado1135
Originally Posted by Bristoe
No,......actually,...I've been blessed for some reason.

My life is grand,....and all I did is go through the paces.

That is the most honest thing I've seen posted today, I actually try to live my life the same way.

Bristoe, you always have a place to stay in the black hills. and Thank you for not taking your position to belittle and downplay the generations that followed you.For the rest believe it or not, there are still lots of good people being born, and you do more to harm our way of life than help it by saying all generations after yours suck. granted it's easy, cause you've already made it. we're still struggling to do the same.
My kids are nineteen and fourteen, respectively. I don't know what generation that makes them, but they're good kids and they've got a lot of friends that are good kids too. I doubt one generation differs much from another, basically. I've never understood the propensity humans demonstrate for running down other generations. Of course, my parents generation really funked things up for mine. lolol

Bingo! this is my point exactly, No one faults the boomers for taking advantage of what they were given by the greatest generation. but to look down on the following ones for not having the opportunities they got is ridiculous and extremely short sighted and smug. But hey, if it makes you feel good about yourself.....

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.