Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by Colorado1135
The boomers had it better than any. prosperity wherever someone was willing to work. Land could be bought for a reasonable price that reflected the living one could make off it. The debt to income ratio was the best it had ever been, before or since. I don't fault them for being lucky in their opportunities. I do object when they Call Gen Xers (and yes millennials) lazy though. Yes I know millennials are wrought with problems because they can be triggered an snowflakes and all that stuff, most of them. But that aside lets look at the facts. Just look at now, most families need a double income to survive, Half of what both those people make goes towards putting a roof over their heads and even more to put food on the table. want a new vehicle (which I've never owned) plan on spending 30-50% of what your house cost (or more)....

See - that is your generation's problem. You can't even do simple math. Or you have really bad judgement. Or both.

What a load of horsecrap.

It's easy to say something is crap, why don't you actually make a legible response and back up your horse crap comment. Unless you want to say the average person lives in a 500,000 home and drives a kia. now I appreciate your attempt at a blow by suggesting I have real bad judgement and or am bad at math, because you haven't a leg to stand on. I gave your generation it's credit, you saw opportunity and you seized it. that opportunity no longer exists the way it once did. it does to a little degree, but not nearly like it was even when I was a kid.
Here is a little info to get you up to speed. Just for a point of reference, I served in the US Navy and then went to college later so I guess even though I'm a Gen Xer, I probably fall more inline with the millenials as far as stage of my life and occupational level. and I'm ok with that since I pretty much have a job that most would kill for and I have control over my schedule. I however am the exception, not the rule.


"when the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser" - Socrates

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.