Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by JSTUART

I am thankful that I didn't grow up in my parents time, mine was a breeze compared to theirs.

Life is definitely easier now.

That I agree with. What my parents had to deal with and what my parents had to go thru is real hardship - and they weren't unique

But that is really the argument that these kids have today with Boomer and Gen-X. The idea that every generation has it easier than the one before them - a strong argument can be made that isn't true for them.

A strong argument can be made that it's different. Easier for previous generations...not so much.

For us, keeping a vehicle running was a major part of life's challenges. For millennials, all that involves is basically not being stupid. Different times....different challenges. The mental mistake a lot of young folks make is gaging their success on that of their parents. The notion that economies and living conditions should always improve is a departure from reality.

The assumption that today's difficulties are the new and permanent normal is also a mistake. The late seventies and the eighties pretty much sucked for the idea of upward mobility for the average guy. But that didn't last. This current trend to blame a past generation for today's problems might have some legitimacy, but we all inherited some problem or other. Today's is lifestyle, but yesterday's were more life-threatening. Given a choice, I'd take today's package deal (minus the socialist and statist trends) over the seventies.

If millennials think it's all so bad, they should put their money where their mouth is and fix it. I'd even go along with the ride - so long as it adheres to the proven methods of forward progress.....ie personal liberty and managed capitalism.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.