Originally Posted by callnum
So question for the haters and I’m sure I know the answer.

What have you done, if anything to keep public land in the public hands?

Also to get the word out about hunting to the non hunting public?

What have you done to protect public land hunting?

Of course these questions don’t apply to Texans.

You blindly assume and I find that rather funny and telling of your character. You have no clue what any of us do or don't do. Not everyone needs to pound their chest and scream look at me. I know a few guys on here and a bunch of guys not on here that do a hell of a lot. But what I find compelling about your argument which is the same as the clowns cited here is that all the negatives of their doings make it ok because they are championing for public land rights. Do you not see how dumb that really is? I am not going to need Public land hunting rights once the other side of the coin has accomplished their mission of destroying both our 2A rights and Hunting rights. But keep on guessing what others do and don't do.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.