Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Too bad you did not study in 7'th grade math class. Had you done your homework, you would know that all graphs of exponential growth start with one. This graph, over the course of 28 days is behaving exactly as predicted, and at some points in time, actually exceeding the predicted four day doubling rate. There is no cause to suspect it will not continue to double every four days for the next four weeks.

First, it was a 2 day rate, according to covtards, when the numbers were small.

Then, it was 3.

Now, it's 4.

Next, it'll be whatever bullshit number it takes to double.

The ministry of propaganda shat out a huge Covid turd of crap numbers about Covid.

You, k untston, simple10 and the other libs been elbowin each other outta the way ever since, to be the first ta eat the peanuts outta it.

You wanna live in fear, fine.

But shreddin the Constitution and tryin ta drag everbody else down with you is chickenshit.

Holy fuggin schitt. If I were one to partake, I would ask for some of what you are smoking, because I really do not believe alcohol could make one this ignorant.

The doubling rate of four days has been the standard from the time this schitt storm first hit Italy. We actually observed a doubling rate of three days over some time periods. But ALL projections have been made from that four day standard.

My post history is not hard to trace. It is a pretty simple matter for you to look back at my posts for the last three weeks. If you are sober enough to read and understand them.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.