Originally Posted by JMR40
More people dead in 2 months than we lost in Vietnam in 20 years. More dead in 3 months than Vietnam and Korea combined. The survival rate for the 1st wave at Normandy was higher than the survival rate of those who were diagnosed with Covid in this country. People in most developed countries have better survival rates than us.

It won't be hard to figure out if the numbers are overstated, or understated. The truth will come out. The average number of people who die each day/week/month etc is pretty constant and predictable at about 8000/day for all causes. The numbers I'm seeing are showing about 10% more dead per day on average since Jan1, so call it another 800 per day. Today is the 147th day of 2020. 147X800=117,600

Will be interesting to see what actions are taken against China on this.

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What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.