Do not agree with the governor's mandate
Fully support any business requiring masks, private business should be able to do what they see fit to protect their employees
Fully support anybody not wanting to go to these businesses.

Pretty simple, freedom of choice.

What I do not understand is why wearing a mask the breaking point.

Government shut down businesses during the Covid-19 "pandemic" and we did nothing
Government has allowed rioters to destroy our property and monuments and we did nothing and if you do not think it affected you, wait until you get the bill in the form of new taxes
Government has taken away gun rights especially in some states. We basically did nothing.
Freedom of speech has been quashed. If you do not think so, publicly speak out against BLM, or better yet paint one of their signs and get charged with a hate crime by our government.

Wear a mask or not, I really do not give a [bleep], but this is way down the list on rights that have been infringed.

I am glad Thomas Paine is not around to see what the country has become.