Originally Posted by FatCity67
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by FatCity67
The Marxist Cancer has infected EVERY STATE.

Some are just in a much more advanced stage.

If you paid Federal Taxes 2009-2016 you helped finance the most criminal POTUS Regime in American History.

So that whole Taxes argument is bunk.

Money is money. If you live in a commie state your state taxes are financing that state's commie activities.

Commie states should be starved out,..and they would *be* starved out if every conservative living in them moved to a red state.

You know thats a fallacious supposition. It may make you feel better but it ignores the reality of this country's socioeconomic situation.


The first step in getting this country right again,.....if it ever happens,..is getting its people to split up and live among those who share their ideology,...to live together according to ideologies.

Those who insist on living behind enemy lines and supporting the enemy with their tax dollars are hindering the process.

They can justify it by talking about how pretty the commie mountains are,..or how big of a rack the commie elk have,...or how many commie salmon they catch.

But it doesn't matter. They need to quit fuggin' around and stop being the financial bitches of the commies.