Seafire: YOU.... only live ONCE!
Get out of that schithole and start enjoying what is left of your life!
I have deep roots in oregon - both my parents were born and raised on homesteaded ranches in eastern Oregon, I have close to 100 blood relatives that still live there, I went to and worked in oregon every summer as a teenager, I lost my virginty in oregon, I was thrown in jail in oregon, I have Hunted Big Game in oregon, I have Hunted Varmints in oregon, I attended gunshows in oregon for 40+ years, I have relatives from Portland to Zig Zag to Madras, to Baker City and most places in between - I used to love oregon when I went there!
Now I would NOT step foot in that "place" unless it would be to attend a family funeral.
I would rather live under a freeway over-pass in Montana than a mansion in oregon!
Get OUT of that cesspool ASAP!
I know what I am talking about.
I wish it weren't this way, but it is.
Hold into the wind