Originally Posted by moosemike
True that. I can remember in my youth thinking that I have more private land available to me to hunt than I can really get to in a season. These days I hunt all public land
It's the same here. Private land all over you could hunt when I was young. There was still quite a bit that wasn't posted and common practice was that if it wasn't, you could hunt it with no need to ask permission. Beyond that, much of the land that was posted could be hunted if you just asked. Now it's pretty much all posted and damn tough to get permission unless you know somebody. The difference is trophy bucks were weren't all the rage, end all be all back then. Nobody had heard of QDM. Any legal buck was a good buck and farmers largely looked at them as pests that ate their crops so didn't mind people killing them. The whole trophy hunter QDM, big bucks or bust craze killed all that. Hunters have been their own worst enemies.