Originally Posted by Nathan13
Here's the deal on pa deer hunting.

If you can't find any deer you fit into one of these categories:

-you're stubborn. You expect deer to be where they used to be or where you want them to be.

-you're not physically capable of getting out and getting after them where they are.

-Or youre just not as knowledgeable about deer and deer habitat as you think you are.

All of those things get compounded by age. Not knocking anyone . it's just the way it is. And as a post script. I don't archery hunt or participate in early muzzleloader, and I rarely get a chance to flintlock hunt anymore , simply because I'm out of tags. There are deer everywhere.

Pretty much all of that applies to me these days to some extent; I know it, and ain’t complaining. Age is the main reason. I used to spend the whole day in the woods, but never do now, partly because I can go anytime I want, so don’t have to crowd my hunting into a few days like before. I’ve mostly been sticking to the same part of my WMA because I’ve done well there in the past, and few other hunters come back there. Need to get out of my comfort zone a bit while I still can.

What fresh Hell is this?