I hunt in 3B on both public and private land.

I live close to a small city and typically see 10-30 deer every day in my yard and travelling to and from work.

I hunt in the mountains and big woods of Sullivan Co and may not see this many deer in an entire season some years - depending on acorn production. This year I was lucky to tag a heavy 10 point on November 14 after scouting and hunting that particular area pretty hard for 9 days. I was lucky to be able to pass a number of nice bucks prior to that but warm weather made it challenging. I also missed my chance on a true giant that passed by me chasing doe at 19 yards (but never stopped for a solid shot opp) on Nov 6!

I hunt with a bow, rifle , and flinter most years and truly enjoy all seasons.

I certainly see more big bucks today in this part of Pennsylvania than I did prior to antler restrictions.
