Originally Posted by battue

You make some valid points re the Crossbow...I’ll make this one...I know people who have bought them...stuck a “scope” on them..since when did scopes become part of archery...Answer...when crossbows became the next big archery thing...

Quickly sighted them in and were out shooting Deer the next day. All that other stuff....while true has nothing to do with how easy it is to become proficient compared to other forms of archery....

A good archer has to put in the time to become skilled... you buy skill with the crossbow..

Sorry, but I don’t see anything wrong with any of that. I’ve tried various other sights, and found that a scope’s main advantage is the ability to see stuff in the path of the arrow. Regardless which sights are used, it’s still harder to hit with than a rifle, requiring better follow-through, and all the limitations associated with arrows still apply. My take is that difficulty of getting into range, generally 40 yards max give or take a bit, is sufficient challenge to overcome. Try hunting with one yourself sometime and see just how “easy” it is to kill deer.

Your comments on skill remind me of a couple of old-fart non-hunters that tried to lecture me fifty years ago on how scopes on hunting rifles weren’t necessary. Truth was, neither of them hunted or knew anything about guns except what they learned in WWII, so their opinions were unqualified gas, just two old guys getting all puffed up about something they knew exactly zip about. Got no time for that crap.

When you can show evidence that crossbows, or long archery seasons have had a negative effect on deer populations, trot it out, otherwise you’re just speculating.

What fresh Hell is this?