I have a beef with archers.
Not every single one, but as a group they are the worst at trespassing
and illegal kills. Along with turkey hunters, but often it the same people.
Even in gun season, if I catch a trespasses, it's usually
someone that bow hunts.

Old info but the farm I hunted in Adams County back in the 80s and 90s was divided by Marsh Creek. Small groups of drivers used to unload standers on one side, down by the covered bridge, then the drivers would start from Red Rock Road and push through (the farmhouse was on the other side of the creek. We caught them one time and made them climb a fence and leave through a pasture to one side. They kicked up a doe on their way out and opened up like D-Day right into that pasture full of Black Angus. Miracle that no cattle were hit.

Another time I was sitting in my stand near the creek, opening day no less, when some dickhead came waltzing along the bank. He ignored my whistle, so I climbed down and intercepted him. He claimed that he had the right to follow the creek, hunting along the way of course, but changed his tune when I told him I was going to call the sheriff and let him decide. Back he went, the way he came.

Then there was the guy who just stopped his car and popped a doe out in the field. We drove over and caught him about to drag it away. He said he just couldn’t help himself. He ran him off, dressed the deer, and called the warden.

Never caught any archers, or found any mystery stands, but someone did come in by crossing the creek and stole a ladder stand.

Now that the covered bridge is a tourist attraction of sorts, there’s a lot of parking there for trespassers’ convenience.

What fresh Hell is this?