Originally Posted by liliysdad
It is absolutely entitlement. Why does the guy who ants to go shooting deserve that box of ammo more than the guy who is gonna flip it and make $50? Does the narrative change if the flipper is using the money he makes to pay medical bills, or keep his lights on? One could argue that the "jerk" reselling the ammo to make a profit for necessity is more deserving than the guy who wants to go blast a box at the range. No one expects the wholesaler to give up their profit, nor do they expect the distributor to take a loss, but once it gets to the buyer, all of a sudden its not fair?

In the real world, no one "deserves" it, its a commodity, and a non necessity at that.

You don't get it, and nothing anyone writes is going to help you understand, but I'll add this for anyone who has ears to hear. The only thing we "deserve" is to "reap what we sow," and there are some folks who are going to be reaping some bitter, rotten crops.