I chose to believe what Toltecgriz posted on 06/28/07. "I didn't mean to be obtuse and didn't think I was. I didn't want to go into details again beyond what I've said previously. I was just saying there's more to the story than there appears That said, many of the stories he related in Death in the Long Grass did not happen as told by him. At the time I was with him, he was a nice guy and didn't drink that much. He was a decent camp companion, but I'm thankful he wasn't my PH.

He was a good story teller.".

He wrote a good deal more about his experience with PHC, so if you're interested, you can find it and read it for yourself,.

We're all free to form our own opinions.

Many writers have borrowed and embellished stories to make them "better". I agree with Toltecgriz's comment, that he was a good story teller.

As far as his military service, the only place that I've ever seen that was in the Tink Nathan obituary. Nathan claims to have been a close personal friend of PHC, so if anyone would know the facts, wouldn't it be more likely to be a close personal friend? Having served in the U.S. Army for awhile, the time-line for someone to join, be trained, and serve seems too tight to be true. However, that is based on what I know about the U.S. Army in general, not about PHC's service.

If I believed that I was in error, I would correct that error. However, I don't believe that I've posted anything that warrants an apology of any sort.