Ok ignorant racist and anti christian bigot, I grew up and used to live on a Chippewa Indian reservation in NW WI and have worked on Indian reservations over 16 years. Im a bit more familiar with how things work, rumors, and actual evidence and crimes on reservations. So can you submit any actual evidence and who processed the grave sites and the forensic findings by the First Nation? What forensic equipment did thee First Nation pathologists use to age the and date the remains? Where are all of these remains of children being stored today? Have worked a lot with tribal police and BIA over the years have a bit more experience than a clueless clown like you.

Originally Posted by saddlegun
Originally Posted by ribka

a real social justice warrior l

So First Nation Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation announced last week they had found the remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, buried at the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, once Canada's largest such school.

How many First Nation pathologists examined and identified the remains, the age of the remains and determined cause of death? Did all of these children die in the school and if so who made that determination?

Originally Posted by saddlegun
- In total at least 4100 residential school students died across Canada when these institutions were in operation.
- 350 such schools existed in total.
- 70% of all schools were operated by the Roman Catholic Church.
- 30% of all schools were operated by other "christian" churches.
- Over 800 resident students died in Alberta alone. (1 in 5 of all deaths Canada-wide)
- Red Deer Indian School operated for 26 years.
- Of 350 students in total there, 70 of them died. (20% death rate)
- 50 of those were buried in unmarked graves near the school.

Part of the proud legacy of Canada and "christians".

Why were these children "disappeared" into unmarked graves?
Why were their bodies never returned to their parents?
Why was there no accountability by either provincial or federal governments?

Should any of us be surprised by your genuine hatred and racism?

Last edited by ribka; 06/02/21.