I did a substantial amount of work for FN in BC & Yukon in the 90's . Of necessity this involved INAC ( Indian An Northern Affairs Canada) . It would be very very difficult to imagine a more inefficient, bloated, non responsive department.

I remember thinking that INAC/government caused and amplified problems .

Having said that , these graveyards were no secret . A number of the people I did work with indicated where 'the children had been buried there ' to me , once they knew me a little better. The band office was the former residential school in this one particular case.

The timing of this 'discovery' has to do with politics at some level . So the disrespect continues .

Hugh is correct that 'orphans' were also put in these schools . A child hood friend of my father's , who was born out of wedlock, was placed in one in North Battleford. He was treated much the same , I got to know him quite well 10-15 years ago and carried scars (probably physical over and above mental) to his grave.

I do not have the solution BUT I despise the politicians making a political football out of this . Including Trudeau