Good morning to you sir, I trust the day's looking fine and bright on your side of the big hills.

Thanks for that link, despite the nettlesome information contained in it for sure.

The family members I spoke of earlier had all sorts of stories of the Feds dealing with the FN communities they were living in back in the day and honestly Hugh, not many were positive. They'd do some amazingly tone deaf things - repeatedly too - just in case they weren't entirely wrong the first time.

I suspect you're correct that the departments set up their own little kingdoms and don't want anything to change.

For sure though, it's totally unacceptable that the Oblates and the Feds haven't produced the records for the various FN bands involved.

My only additional comment would be that I wish that didn't surprise me, you know?

Thanks again for the link. I've read a fair bit about the background and work of Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond and while I don't agree with everything she says or wants, she's earned my respect on this issue for sure.

All the best to you all Hugh.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"