Originally Posted by saddlegun
And the alt-right trots out dog whistle terms from their toolbox, like communist, rioter, social justice warrior, etc. as derogatory terms to derail any attempt to question their narrative.

Is it really necessary to point out that they have either proudly adopted those labels for themselves, or earned them by their actions? Hardly dog whistles.

And, if there is something that is truly common among left wingers is that they love spending other people's money.

And, as previously stated, the whole residential school fiasco is shameful. But, if you've been actually comprehending the responses, they're pointing out the cynical timing of this, in order to take the pressure off the Drama Teacher in Chief for his continuing incompetence. And, as I and others earlier pointed out, one more cynical opportunity to extort money from Canadian taxpayers, to fund a corrupt Indigenous bureaucracy that has not improved the lot of the average aboriginal in any way. The best way for an aboriginal to get ahead in Canada is to get off the fuqqing reserve.

I know a lawyer who worked for years for the insurance company that paid out on the lawsuits against the Catholic church. His sole job was to interview plaintiffs to truly establish that they were and had been affected by criminal activity within the church, because when you open the flood gates on something like that there are absolutely going to be opportunists who are going to try to file a false claim.

I am not, in any way, suggesting that the deaths at these schools were false or didn't happen. But I do expect any recompense paid out is solely to those who were directly affected by it, either personally or by close relation. Handing an expensive soother to someone who maybe knew someone who was related to a 5th cousin of one of the victims is BS.

Much the same as the call for reparations in the US, money should not be paid to people who were never slaves from tax dollars of people who never owned slaves.