It is very interesting, don't you think, that this select small group of commenters cares absolutely nothing about the abuses perpetrated on these children, or about their horrendous death rates while incarcerated at these residential schools.

What it really seems to boil down to with them is that this is something that some Canadians who are left wing care deeply about, so it must therefore be something that they must be vehemently opposed to.

Such political diametric opposition seems automatic with them. If the left says that the sky is blue, they will insist that it is green.

The thing is that they comprise a small minority of hard cynical people. The majority of Canadians, left or right, are very much disgusted and appalled by the recent discovery of this burial ground.

So I guess that few people really care what this small but determined group, on this relatively small and insignificant forum, actually think.

Certainly I have not seen their opinions expressed about this anywhere else.