Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by smokepole

Agreed. It would be nice if people were a little more judicious in what they post. A lot of good info is posted here. And a lot of bullsh*t.

Problem is the BS line keeps shifting.

Remember when the lab leak theory was tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist non-sense? Now it’s mainstream.

Remember when the vaccine would protect you from infection? Now it protects you from effects, and that protection diminishes over time. But anyone who might have pointed out “back then” what we now all know to be true was almost certain to be called full of BS.

So we’re back to individuals making decisions about what to believe. If someone posts information you don’t like then ignore it. Be careful about calling stuff BS even if it seems “safe” to say because 5 min from now it could prove true and that’d make YOU the one who is FOS.

As for me I had COVID and I’m much, much more fearful of a pandemic of people beaten down by a govt that’s outside it’s Constitutional strictures running around telling me what I should or shouldn’t inject, wear, say, or post.

Do what you like I don’t care just don’t tell me what to do. If my risk assessment makes you fearful stay away from me. If my assessment of good info spikes your BS meter ignore my posts.

Well said!!!! Here's a quote from Don jr. on the BS/Conspiracy Theory: " The difference between truth and conspiracy is 6 months."