Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by Beaver10
I don’t believe I posted anything on any of your 50+ plus threads.

Maybe you should consider taking your medication again...It did help your memory a smidge.


LMAO, You started the very first 50+ page thread to announce to the world I was a Commie Russian....lmao, and every Low I.Q. closet lib on this site stepped to the plate to put their closet lib lying azzes on full display for all to see. Pure gold it was. I had never seen such an assembly of Low IQ idiots in my life, volunteer to the world how amazingly stupid one can be, by freely displaying their ignorance before the world.

Who needs to take their medicine?

Go load your bong up, and bake your brain some more.

You took the shot, didn't you, and now have permanent brain fog?

Don't lie, all you democrats are taking the shot.

Apologies, Mr. Elkmilk for my misunderstanding.

I was under the impression that YOU had started some threads that went 50 pages 🙄...

Yes, I was the first to fist you in public in front of everyone because you were a lying POS who tried to convince members that they should shoot people to make a political statement. All holster, no gun, pussy boy, that you be. LMAO

Yes, I was the one who got you so spun up with hatred towards me that you demolished yourself, live, before all our eyes. We all watched you come apart, piece by piece, while I calmly had my way with you for hours. Fûck that was fun !

And, yes, I was the one who kept slapping you with my virtual open hand, because you’re a crazy bitch, until I tired of you and decided to leave you alone, with your insecurities, to ponder what had just happened to you.

I admit, I’d never seen anyone rape themselves until your spectacular performance.

Bravo 👏


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”