Originally Posted by chlinstructor
I’m sure ElkTurdBurglar has had plenty of experience with raping himself. On a daily basis. Probably Chickens & Goats too. 😜

And I’m guessing the only gun he owns is his Red Ryder.

Probably points it at himself while playing Robert De Niro in the mirror.

Watching him come apart on these threads is some Pure Campfire Gold.

Poor little Troll is just too stupid to realize it.

And the Problem with a Liar like him, is that they’ve lied so much. they believe their own Bullschitt.

Delusional little POS that he is.

In poker, they call this going "On Tilt"

He's about to lose his whole stack.... grin

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)