Originally Posted by STRSWilson
Thankfully that is not how the medical community operates. Just because someone cites a few cases in front of a camera and then attempts to extrapolate that across the entire population does not rise to the level of evidence. Reminder, Anthony Fauci is is also a doctor spouting all sorts of baseless conjecture. Do you believe him as well?

This is why peer reviewed research is the minimum standard. But then again, EVERY doctor and researcher knows this so it is quite surprising when a doctor doesn't bother with this basic process and spouts his opinion without facts. One must question his motivation.

I guess the Microscope slides showing the blood cells getting destroyed by the spike protein the shots create in the vascular system was just Dr. Cole "spouting his opinion" too, right? You don't need to wait for the "signed" peer review white paper when the evidence is that glaring obvious right in front of you. Last I heard, Dr. Cole has the credentials to make the statements he made after his analysis of the evidence, and being a lighting rod for stepping up to the plate to be a leader in this fight, he is not going to make statements unless he knows he can back it up as being 100% correct. He's not a government Nazi like Fauci.

You obfuscate and use your analogy of the NAZI Fauci, who has provided nothing but lies from the start, to compare and discredit Dr. Cole, who is presenting irrefutable scientific evidence on every point he talks about during his presentation is laughable free entertainment.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)