Originally Posted by smokepole
LoL, nice try. I said I quit reading most of the covid threads, that still leaves about a dozen a day.
You've already used the word retarded twice in this thread, maybe three times. Did you make this thread because of the other thread calling people retarded for taking the shot, and this is your underhanded way of payback for being called retarded?

Originally Posted by smokepole
You want to talk about stalking, when's the last time I commented on a thread you started like you're doing here on my thread?
I'm stalking by posting facts that prove your statements are lying propaganda by you stating there is no evidence the deadly shots cause cancer? Making posts on the subject matter of the thread in a public forum is stalking? I'm not stalking, I'm discussing the topic. You've stalked me for years when you'd post in my threads not discussing the topic whatsoever, but only to attack and demean me with your lies. That is what stalking is you clown.

Originally Posted by smokepole
Or maybe you want me to dig up your post from a few years back where you followed my movements and posts on here, figured out where I live and where I hunt, and made a big deal about calling me a liar, saying I couldn't have possibly been elk hunting in SW Colorado?

Hey clown, how can someone follow somebody's "movements", when they are simply reading what someone posted in an open forum? Based on your logic, every single person on this forum and on every other forum on the NET is guilty of "following a person's movement" each time they read every single post they read. You should seek help for that.

Originally Posted by smokepole
You're a creepy little bastard. Don't project your bullsh*t and baggage on me.

I project truth, no BS here, and if it exposes a lying commie pushing their lying propaganda, so be it.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)