At this point all we know is that the NEWS said the sub hit something which gives the impression that our boat did the hitting but the only ones that know are the crew members. Whale? Unknown seamount? Another.sub?

In the end, we (meaning those of us here on the “Fire) will never know what it was unless was an unknown object and the Navy wants the public to know. or 2. the Chicoms report a problem with one of their boats. If there was another boat involved we’ll never know who was the “hitter” and who was the “hittee”. Political points and intelligence could be gained from either scenario. Even if the CO remains or he is relieved, that wouldn’t be proof of an “accident “ or an “accidentally on purpose” bump either. Only the board of inquiry and those with a need to know will be privy to the info.

NRA Life,Endowment,Patron or Benefactor since '72.