Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by johnw
Originally Posted by Teal
As a former cryptology guy in the Navy - our community provides DirSup on a lot of platforms.

Never met a stupid bobblehead. VERY bright guys. You don't become a sub officer without a lot of mental HP. IIRC an engineering or mathematics degree is required. No English majors or women's studies.

Re:peace time v war time Navy - I don't know. Only served in what's considered war time BUT the sub service is different IMO.

There is no such thing as peace time. The second you believe you're on a pleasure cruise - you're done. IMO, there's only various states of war and it likely differs adversary to adversary.

Ahhh... But Teal?

Was the war you served in a declared war with a peer enemy?
According to Oldhat it doesn't count if not.

Oldhat claims that the so-called peace time military is "not a meritocracy".

For my part, I recognize the sharper ends of the stick for what they are, but then, I never took McHale's Navy for a reality show.

When was the last actual “ declared war with a peer enemy”?

Ass hat if off base, IMO

I have no idea what you are saying, but technically it was WW2. I will concede that a conflict does not have to be declared by congress to be a war. Vietnam, Korea come to mind for sure.

What really defines a war are the number of casualties. Because the number of casualties are what shapes and molds the military that participates. Do a study of the Wehrmacht on the eastern front. That was a meritocracy.

When a military does not face an actual existential threat, I mean a real existential threat, it becomes a bureaucracy and bureaucracies never forge meritocracies. They are incompatible. Bureaucratic military organizations worry more about position, seniority and pensions.