Originally Posted by Henryseale
Why cannot people just deal with the known facts, or at least the currently reported facts? All we publicly know is that one of our subs struck something in the South China Sea and our sub sustained some degree of damage. We do not know if we were the striker or the strikee or maybe a combination of both. We do not know what our sub encountered - another submerged vessel, a surface vessel, a natural or man-made sub-surface object/structure, or maybe an alien sub-sea craft. Maybe it was Godzilla or some other sea monster? Depending on the circumstances, we may never publicly know the circumstances of the incident. It is a real possibility that the circumstances should remain secret from public knowledge, or not. Not my call as I am not in that chain of command. Sure, I am curious as well, but I understand that there are some things I do not need to know. Naval submarine operations are by nature somewhat clandestine. They are the "silent service".

I'm hoping it was a Godzilla egg tgat hatched and washed ashore mainland China.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!