"Canada is run by a fascist black faces surfer boy. Tam, the so called "Top Doctor" isn't even licensed in public health in Canada, its from HK. the health minister Hajdu is a graphics designer.They all spent the last 6 years virtue signalling, race baiting, gas lighting and accusing all other non Liberals as racists. Trudeau declared a reconciliation holiday for FN's but decided going surfing on that day was a good idea.They failed at their own mantra, my body my choice. Forced legislation that its a crime if you miss gender someone, but shaming the un vaxxed is a good thing, medical apartheid is a good thing. Turning on your family and friends is a good thing.In Canada pedophiles, child molesters, abusers have rights and their privacy is protected, non vaxxed like the Jews in Germany 1933 are all disease carriers. Must be shunned and not allowed to participate in normal life. This was the plan as Trudeau himself stated this is the new normal and its not a conspiracy theory. Before it was a real global pandemic he parroted Gates and told us our lives cant return to normal without a vaccine. they are sticking to plan.Canada is a toletarian state run by a narcissist black faced child. His Liberal caucus is a cult. And the supreme court of Canada is non existent. They have more than doubled the national debt with no end in sight, Canada has gone from the top of the G7 to the bottom. The finance minister had to quit because he was caught with the WE cult they are all involved with. He was replaced by Freeland, Canada's deputy PM who is a neo nazi collaborator from a Ukrainian Chomiak Nazi family who escaped Nurenburg and ran to Canada. Her grand father was Hitlers propagandist in Poland and the Ukraine in WW2."