There is only one good way to handle a school bully. Whip his ass or at least give him a good fight. It will stop.

My brother in law (a teacher) and his wife forbid their son to fight back. He became sissy and started hanging with the ugly girl kids. You know the type. Now he is 21 years old, his dad is retired, his mother was killed in a wreck. Now he and his dad stay in the house hiding from Covid-19 and he has never held a job, and has no friends. If only they had told him what I told my kids, which was "you are not going to take that kind of [bleep], and if you get suspended I'll take off from work and we'll do whatever you want". My wife believed the same way her brother did but I over ruled her. I knew from experience because I was dropped into a 95% Mormon school in Utah for the 5th grade.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."